empowerment & expansion through

Astrology & Human Design

There is no such thing as being “normal”.

Each one of us is unique.

Each one of us has its unique gifts (and more importantly, combination of them!), way of functioning, making decisions, processing information, working, and sharing their gifts with the world.

Human Design and Astrology are like a user’s manual. We sit together and read yours. How are you designed to work? To build relationships? To rest? To help others? You have a unique way to do all these things. When you live by your design, life feels so much easier. In the flow. No pushing, no struggling. Flow. 

That’s how life is supposed to feel. Easy. Delicious. Exciting.

That is your life. 

How do you want to live it?

Hello, I’m Kate

Thank you for being here.

I’m a Capricorn sun, Virgo rising, Leo Moon.

2/4 Emotional Generator, RAX of Service.

I have been lost for so many years of my life. I always felt I am here to do big things, to change lives, but I didn’t know what exactly that was. So I went on a search quest of changing jobs, everything from journalism to social media, from photography to travel agencies, from copywriting to international relations, from nutrition to being a personal assistant. I kept searching and searching, always outside of myself, for that perfect job that would give me a feeling that I’m making an impact.

It was not until I fully accepted myself and my desires that I started seeing my true gifts and what I can offer to help people. Human Design and Astrology played a huge role in it. It made me feel so seen and recognised. As if someone put a mirror in front of me, and I could see myself, so clearly. And I finally recieved a permission to be who I am in my full expression.

I wish there was someone to help me to walk through that process though.

And I want to be that person for you.


Knowledge without integration is useless. 

Learning about your Human Design and Astrology charts is more than just receiving the information. I’m giving you the tools that you can apply in your daily life. 

My readings are specific and practical. I include coaching to help you find answers and to give you tools to take the work further. 

As a result, you leave the session with a better understanding of how you function best, with more clarity and a different perspective of what you are going through. You are equipped with necessary tools to change your life. 

Remember who you are 

Learn your design

Truth is, you already know deep down who you are. It just got buried under the years of conditioning and trying to fit into societal norms. Human Design and Astrology give you the language to express what you are feeling and going through. When you hear the words, they will resonate immediately in your core, and you will remember.

Accept yourself

Acceptance is a very important step. Maybe you started alterning your behaviour or people pleasing in your childhood - to keep the peace or to recieve love and attention. When we peel back those layers and get to your core, your work is to accept your rediscovered self, in all its beauty and weirness.

Make a change

Now is the time for action. You need to implement the knowledge. Trust your intuition and flow of life. Follow your stratagy & authority. Experiment with following your design. This work is daily. It takes time and recalibration so I also offer an option to add an ongoing coaching support from me.