Hello, I’m Kate

Astrologer, Human Design Reader & Coach

I have been lost for so many years of my life. I always felt I am here to do big things, to change lives, but I didn’t know what exactly that was. So I went on a search quest of changing jobs, everything from journalism to social media, from photography to travel agencies, from copywriting to international relations, from nutrition to being a personal assistant. I kept searching and searching, always outside of myself, for that perfect job that would give me a feeling that I’m making an impact.

I have lived in 7 countries and traveled to dozens more.

It was not until I fully accepted myself and my desires that I started seeing my true gifts and what I can offer to help people. Astrology & Human Design played a huge role in it. It made me feel so seen and recognised. As if someone put a mirror in front of me, and I could see myself, so clearly. It gave me full permission to be who I am in my full expression.

I wish there was someone to help me to walk through that process though.

And I want to be that person for you.