Meet Your Business.
For existing and aspiring business owners.
Get cristal clear on your ideal business. Your life’s work. Your legacy.
Here is what we cover in a Astrology + Human Design for Business reading:
What are your unique gifts and talents that you can leverage to create epic offers?
Are you most aligned with 1:1 or grout offers?
What is your best Social Media strategy?
What Social Media platforms should you be on?
Who is your dream client and ideal audience?
How you can best communicate with them?
What is your teaching/learning style?
How can you attract your ideal audience with your visuals/branding?
How your Social Media feed should look like to effortlesslyattract your ideal client?
What are your branding colors/style?
What is your unique most aligned way of selling?
How can you sell to your ideal clients in the most effortless way?
What people love paying you for?
How can money comes most easily and effortlessly to you?
What is your intrinsic motivation?
What drives you, fires you up and gets you going?