Meet Your Business.

For existing and aspiring business owners.

Get cristal clear on your ideal business. Your life’s work. Your legacy.

Here is what we cover in a Astrology + Human Design for Business reading:


  • What are your unique gifts and talents that you can leverage to create epic offers?

  • Are you most aligned with 1:1 or grout offers?

  • What is your best Social Media strategy?

  • What Social Media platforms should you be on?


  • Who is your dream client and ideal audience?

  • How you can best communicate with them?

  • What is your teaching/learning style?


  • How can you attract your ideal audience with your visuals/branding?

  • How your Social Media feed should look like to effortlesslyattract your ideal client?

  • What are your branding colors/style?


  • What is your unique most aligned way of selling?

  • How can you sell to your ideal clients in the most effortless way?

  • What people love paying you for?

  • How can money comes most easily and effortlessly to you?


  • What is your intrinsic motivation?

  • What drives you, fires you up and gets you going?

Your business is more than just a way to make money. It is your life’s work. Your mission. Your contribution. It is how you express yourself, help others, and make this world a better place.

Let’s make it a piece of art.

Because it is.